All Classes and Interfaces

Common interface to be used on any Identifier-identifiable types.
A generic value-wrapping value object which proxies all defined methods to its encapsulated instance.
Auto configuration for identifier VOs.
Abstract JsonDeserializer that reads a value from the JSON tree and converts it into a subtype of Identifier.
Abstract function for creation new identifiers.
Exception throw in case the instantiation of an Identifier failed.
Configures the IdentifierModule for Jackson (de-)serialization.
Module registering JsonSerializers and JsonDeserializers for reading or writing Identifier types to or from a JSON tree.
Jackson JsonSerializer for converting Identifier instances into a JSON string.
Configures the identifier Converters for Spring WebMVC.
Utility methods for Identifiers.
Convenient typed intermediate interface for reduction of generics.
Long-base application identifier VO.
ReadingConverter wrapping a string value into a new instance of StringIdentifier.
Long-based application identifier VO.
Typed IdentifierFactory creating a new NumericIdentifier from an Long value.
Convenient typed intermediate interface for reduction of generics.
String-based application identifier VO.
ReadingConverter wrapping a string value into a new instance of StringIdentifier.
String-based application identifier VO.
Typed IdentifierFactory creating a new StringIdentifier from an String value.
Convenient typed intermediate interface for reduction of generics.
UUID-typed application identifier VO.
ReadingConverter wrapping an UUID-like value into a new instance of UuidIdentifier.
String-based application identifier VO.
Typed IdentifierFactory creating a new UuidIdentifier from an UUID value.